Long live the carts! Down with WT!
How genius can that be?
the speaker fishing for a young child's to comment asks: "where is the scripture found that forms the basis for our preaching/witnessing work?
" a ton of hands from the older ones of this vastly aged crowd, and finally at some hesitation a hand goes up from the recently baptized 8 year old with the correct answer and proudly exclaims when the microphone gets to him:"matt.
" to which all the old timers smile with approval as he sets a fine example for the 2 or 3 remaining young ones forced to go to these indoctrination sessions by their parents.. matt.
Long live the carts! Down with WT!
How genius can that be?
i have thought long and hard about this, you know in those midnight hours.. you will probably string me alive in what i say, but here you go-.
i feel that the jw's do have the truth.
i do agree with the doctrines and biblical exgenesis they propound.i do feel that they have the 'truth' i do understand they are imperfect, and i think they have had to 'refine' their teachings as time has gone on-and change accordingly- i see nothing wrong with this.
"We don't want to bring reproach on Jehovah's name" I always wondered why this was said..... Isn't letting child abuse go on and on and on a 'reproach'?
If someone 'cleared up the problem', it wouldn't be a 'reproach', it would be a victory... it would make someone have a good name.
Why do JWS say this? Why do they think reporting child sex abuse would "Bring reproach on 'Jehovah's name'? Jehovah himself wrote about Manassah offering up kids, David sleeping with his friends wife and then killing him. If this isn't a 'reproach' what is? Jehovah wasn't afraid to "make this public"....
There is no reason to say 'it's bringing a reproach on God's name'.... it has already been done by not taking care of the problem.
ok, so what are the most deceptive comments that you have heard from your experience in congregations?.
my top three are;.
1) service overseer during the ’ how did we do?’ annual talk, twisted the figures to such an extent that it looked like the congregations ministry was in tip-top shape.
We are going to put all of the Kingdom Halls in the name of the WT corporation to keep apostates from taking them over and selling them for their own profit! haha! ("We want to")
ok, so what are the most deceptive comments that you have heard from your experience in congregations?.
my top three are;.
1) service overseer during the ’ how did we do?’ annual talk, twisted the figures to such an extent that it looked like the congregations ministry was in tip-top shape.
Getting rid of the book studies? After all these child sex abuse cases, and pedophiles attending them in people's homes, I think it was a legal move to keep the Society from having to battle court cases regarding abuse done in people's homes.
we are seeking additional details regarding the child sex abuse case in redbluff, ca, around 2005-2007.. http://watchtowerdocuments.org/documents/secrets_commentary_version_2.pdf.
see pages 20-22. we are looking for first hand knowledge of these events.
our purpose is to make a compelling argument to officials with the authority to make a difference.. please pm me.. many thanks, cha ching.
We are seeking additional details regarding the child sex abuse case in Redbluff, CA, around 2005-2007.
see pages 20-22. We are looking for first hand knowledge of these events. Our purpose is to make a compelling argument to officials with the authority to make a difference.
Please pm me.
many thanks, cha ching
Kevin McFree! I loved it!!!!!!! I think the WT lawyer lying again and again, with the reality check in between was a great idea! Keep them coming, thanks!
i watch a video on youtube .
at 14:00 they tell that wt take 750 000 $ too a crongregation ... it's so amazing .
I am surprised that more JWs don't "get it" about the 'money laundering' (for sake of a better way to describe it).
I am so grateful that so many ex-JWs have done their part in bringing these things to light, and each of them have their audiences that they reach.
What would we do without any of them?
jehovah's witnesses' tab for child sex abuse secrecy $2m and counting.
by trey bundy / november 16, 2017. .
These articles are helping the public, ex witnesses, and has the potential to wake up active witnesses.
Thank you Reveal News and Trey Bundy
i'm speechless.
i know this guy.
"Houston, we have a problem!"
It is a "Public Safety Issue", institutions behave as badly as the law allows.
Angus Stewart hit the nail on the head when he summed up his findings on his review of all those organizations.
Basically: "Well, churches, orgs have tried this 'clergy penitent privilege/ repent, tell the priest, turn around stuff' for years, looks like it doesn't work. More children get hurt. We need to do something different"
Report it to the police. Then you can do your 2 witness whatever B.S. Protect the kids.
take a look at watchtowers reasoning in the first video from 46 minutes to 56 minutes regarding the 2 witness rule.
the scripture the watchtower representative refers to is perfectly fine in relation to situations within context.. but how can the 2 witness rule be applied to a sexual assault or child abuse allegation when only the victim and the perpetrator were present when the crime took place?
how can the 2 witness rule be applied if the perpetrator denies the allegation?..
I remember that article WIFI, the WT is always going back and forth in their strategies.... like a snake.
In the recent court case of Padron vs. WT, in San Diego, the judges called it estoppel:
the principle that precludes a person from asserting something contrary to what is implied by a previous action or statement of that person or by a previous pertinent judicial determination.